Customer support - help and advice that a company makes available to customers when they have bought something
Mida klienditoe all silmas peetakse?
Klienditugi on komplekt teenuseid, mida ettevõte kliendile pakub. Lisaks on see osa kliendisuhete haldamisest. Ettevõtted kasutavad klienditoe pakkumisek Kasutajatuge. Nii saavad kliendid võtta ettevõttega erinevate kanalite kaudu ühendust, nendeks võivad olla: e-mail, telefon või live vestlus.
Ettevõtted aitavad paigaldamise ja juhendamisega. Veelgi enam nad püüavad lahendada klientide probleeme ja päringuid.
Mis on erinevus klienditeeninduse ja klienditoe vahel?
The main difference between the two is that customer support is responsible for assisting a customer with technical issues. On the other hand, customer service is about helping the customer use the product/service to its full potential. This is where you engage with customers and grow customer relations. Thus, providing the best value.
Kui soovite rohkem andmeid lugege Klienditeenindus vs Klienditugi.
Miks on klienditugi oluline?
Klienditoe omamine on oluline, sest see loob lojaalse kliendibaasi. Siiski on kasutegureid palju rohkem.
Siin on mõned hea klienditoe omamise eelised:
- Higher sales
- Higher revenue
- Customer satisfaction
- Customer retention
- Efficient workflow
Mis on klienditeeninduse tarkvara?
Live chat
Live chat is an important part of every customer support software. It enables your customer representatives to chat or simply approach customers in real-time. It is believed that millenials are the only ones who use live chat. However, there are also other age groups that use live chat. Don’t miss out on live chat and its benefits.
If you would like to learn more, read LiveAgent – Live chat.

E-mailid on tavaline ja peamine klienditeeninduse osa. Mõned võivad öelda, et see on klienditoe kanali pikem vorm. Miks? Lihtsalt sellepärast, et probleemi lahendamine võib sellel moel rohkem aega võtta. Siiski, e-mailid ulatuvad igale poole üle kogu maaima ja need on endiselt üheks paljukasutatud kanaliks.
Kui soovite rohkem teada lugege LiveAgent – E-mail.
Telefon on samuti üks klientide poolt eelistatud klienditoega ühenduse võtmise moodustest. Seda saavad kasutada kliendid, kes ei pruugi olla tehnikaga sina peal või lihtsalt eelistavad inimlikku suhtlust.
Kui soovite rohkem teadalugege LiveAgent – Telefon.
Social Media (SoMe)
Facebook, Instagram või Twitter- need on kõigest mõned platvormid, kus kliendid omavahel suhtlevad. Veelgi enam, tutvuvad teie brändi või ettevõttega. Tänapäeval on äärmiselt oluline vastates klientide päringutele või aidates kliente SoMe kaudu ühest liidesest. Seega tuleb efektiivselt vastata ja kaasahaarata igasuguseid kliente.
Kui soovite rohkem teada lugege LiveAgent – Sotsiaalmeedia.
Kliendiportaali/iseteeninduse omamine on ennekõike oluline 24/7 töötavate ettevõtete kaoks. Kui teie klienditeeninduse agendid pole saadaval, saavad teie kliendid endiselt vajaliku toe. Seda näiteks Teadmistebaasi aktiklite kaudu, mis pakuvad juhiseid, toote informatsiooni, videoid ja muud.
Kui soovite rohkem teada saada, lugege LiveAgent – Teadmistebaas
What is customer support software?
Customer service software, such as LiveAgent creates an optimal workflow for your customer agents that make them more efficient and effective at the same time. The ability that stands out the most is that a customer representative does not have to switch between interfaces while working. Thus, being able to resolve a customer inquiry from all kinds of channels from one place.
One important help desk feature that allows businesses to manage customer support requests is a customer support ticketing solution. It is a type of software that automatically turns every customer request into a ticket which can be then assigned to the appropriate agent or department.
All of the above-mentioned channels are included in LiveAgent.

Teised LiveAgent`i funktsioonid
- Canned messages/ Predefined messages
- Merge tickets/inquiries
- Rules/SLAs
- Analytics overview
- Video chat with customers and colleagues too
Kui soovite rohkem teada saada, lugege kõigi LiveAgent`i – Funktsioonide kohta siit.
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Handle all customer inquiries from one interface. Start improving your customer service with a 30-day free trial right away!
Frequently Asked Questions
How to define customer support?
Customer service is a range of services offered by an organization to help customers with their problems with your product or services and to support them in getting the most out of using your product. It includes answering customer questions and helping with problem solving.
What are the principles of customer support?
The key to good customer service is, above all, building lasting, good relationships with customers. For this to happen, the customer service team needs to know what customers think is good customer service, stay up to date with customer feedback that helps improve customer service, and look for ways to improve customer service and exceed customer expectations.
What tools to use to provide the best customer support?
In order to provide the best customer service, it is good to use several tools and communication channels that allow for comprehensive service. It is worth engaging in communication using communicators in social media, e-mail, text messages. In addition to these traditional forms, it is worth building communities in groups on social media or online forums, where clients can contact each other and chat with experts. Live chat is an important tool that allows you to chat in real time when a customer needs quick help. Customer service is also improved by a responsive and intuitive mobile application. In addition, the customer service team should have an appropriate system from which they will be able to manage all channels.
Kui olete huvitatud klienditeeninduse ja klienditoe erinevustest, soovitame lugeda artiklit Klienditeenindus vs klienditugi. See artikkel pakub näpunäiteid, kuidas pakkuda parimat klienditeenindust ja kliendituge.
Teine oluline teema on klienditoe ja tugiteenuse erinevused, mille kohta saate rohkem teada artiklist Klienditugi vs tugiteenus. See artikkel selgitab, milline nendest teenustest sobib teie ettevõtte vajadustega kõige paremini.
Avasta, kuidas LiveAgent aitab Sul parandada klienditeenindust, pakkudes üle 180 funktsiooni ja tasuta prooviversiooni. Õpi erinevatest klienditeeninduse tarkvaradest ja nende olulisusest ettevõtte edu saavutamisel. Külasta, et teada saada, miks hea klienditeenindus on kriitilise tähtsusega ja kuidas seda tõhusalt parandada.