Juhtumiuuringute taotlemise e-posti mallid on B2B turunduses hädavajalikud, et näidata, kuidas teie toode aitab ärieesmärke saavutada. Pakume kasulikke küsimusi ja mallid, et hõlpsasti juhtumiuuringuid klientidelt küsida.
Juhtumiuuringud on enamiku B2B turundusstrateegiate kriitiline osa. Need annavad Teile võimaluse näidata oma potentsiaalsetele klientidele tegelikke näiteid selle kohta, kuidas Teie toode suutis rahuldada Teiste klientide vajadusi, lahendada nende probleeme ja lõppkokkuvõttes aidata neil oma ärieesmärke saavutada. Juhtumiuuringud aitavad kaugelt välja teenida oma klientide usaldust ja kinnitada, et teie toode või teenus tegelikult toimib. Järgmine artikkel kirjeldab, miks juhtumianalüüs on sisuturunduse hädavajalik tööriist, ning pakub kasulikke juhtumianalüüsi taotluse meilimalle koos põhiküsimustega, et aidata Teil klientidelt juhtumiuuringuid ja edulugusid hankida.
[Company name] is currently building a library of case studies to include on our website. We’re looking for successful companies using [Product name] to solve interesting challenges, and your team immediately came to mind. Are you open to [Customer company name] being featured?
Your story will help inform our prospects about how they can benefit from using our product. I’d be happy to provide more details if you are potentially interested.
Either way, thank you for considering my request and thank you for being a loyal [COMPANY] customer.
Subject line: Can I feature you as a case study?
The subject line pretty much says everything, but I’d like to ask again. Can I feature you as a case study? I think our project had a lot of highlights, and I’m eager to get the word out about our great work together.
Specifically, I plan to dig into these main aspects:
[Aspect 1]
[Aspect 2]
[Aspect 3]
If being featured is OK with you, can we have a quick call on [date/ time] to discuss it in more detail? Or if that doesn’t work, I’m free on [date].
I look forward to chatting with you!
I’m really glad to hear you had [positive experience with your company], and I was wondering whether you’d be interested in being featured as one of our customer success stories. I manage our case study initiatives and have the opportunity to showcase all the great stories from customers like you.
It should be a lightweight process – I will ask you roughly 10 – 15 questions via email or phone about your experience and results. This case study will include a blurb about your company and a link to your homepage (which hopefully will make your SEO team happy!)
Here’s an example of how it usually looks like: link to a case study example
If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know by responding to this email, or giving me a call at [number] to discuss it in more detail.
Thank you for the fantastic feedback – I’m thrilled to hear [Product name] is working well for you and that [Customer company name] is getting the results you’ve been looking for.
My team is actually in the process of building out our library of case studies, and I’d love to include your story. Happy to provide more details if you’re potentially interested.
In any case, thank you again, and I look forward to getting more updates on your progress.
I wanted to reach out to thank you for being a loyal [Company] customer for over [number] years now. I noticed you achieved your goal of [milestone] last month, and I wanted to congratulate you on your success!
I’d love to share your story using [Product name] with the world – I think it’s a great example of how our product + a dedicated team and a good strategy can achieve awesome results.
Are you open to being featured in a case study? If so, I’ll send along more details.
Happy Holidays!
As this year winds down, I wanted to say thank you for being a loyal [Company] customer and for your partnership using [Product/ Service] this year. You’ve achieved fantastic results in the time we’ve been working together, so I wanted to reach out to see if you’d be interested in being featured in a case study on our website.
Here’s how it would look like: link to a case study example
Either way, thank you once again for the chance to work with you, and I hope you have a warm and happy holiday season with your family and friends.
I’m looking forward to chatting soon in the new year!
We’re thrilled to hear you’re interested in sharing your success story with [Product name]. My name is [Name], and I’ll be working directly with you on this case study.
I’ve attached an important document to this email that outlines the whole process, which includes [details of your case study process]. Typically, a case study will take about a week t complete from start-to-finish depending on availability and turnaround time of any revisions, and your involvement will require about 1 hour of your time.
Again, I’m excited to start the process with your team and learn more about your success with [Product name]!
In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. Happy to be a resource.
Mõjutava juhtumiuuringu/eduloo kirjutamiseks, mis on täis põhjalikke teadmisi ja andmeid selle kohta, kuidas Teie toode või teenus lisaväärtust lisab, tuleb esitada läbimõeldud küsimusi, austades samas ka asjaolu, et Teie kliendid ei pruugi neile vastamiseks palju aega varuda. Siin on mõned kõige levinumad juhtumiuuringu intervjuu küsimused, mida saate kasutada oma kliendijuhtumiuuringute tegemisel.
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Avasta LiveAgenti kohandatavad e-kaubanduse e-posti mallid, mis parandavad müüki ja klientide rahulolu. Õpi tõhusalt suhtlema e-posti, reaalajavestluse ja telefonikõnede abil. Saa teada, kuidas LiveAgenti tarkvaralahendus aitab sul paremini hallata klientidega suhtlemist. Alusta nüüd tasuta ning suurenda oma e-kaubanduse edu!
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Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.