Tõhusad maksehoiatuse e-posti mallid aitavad vältida klientide kadumist ja tulu kaotust. Parimad tavad hõlmavad e-kirjade saatmist päris inimeselt, vastuste lubamist, selget tegevusele kutsumist ja alternatiivide pakkumist.
Ebaõnnestunud maksed on enamiku SaaS-i ja tellimuspõhiste ettevõtete jaoks kahetsusväärne reaalsus, mistõttu nad kaotavad keskmiselt 9% oma igakuistest korduvatest tuludest. Õnneks toimub enamik ebaõnnestunud makseid tahtmatult, ilma et klient isegi aru saaks, kuniks nad saavad maksehoiatuse kirja. Kuigi see võib olla Teie meeskonnale ja klientidele üsna masendav kogemus, saate tõhusalt kasutada hästi kirjutatud e-kirju, et vältida tahtmatut klientide kadumistja saada tagasi kaotatud tulu. Allpool on mõned peamised punktid, mida tuleb klientidele e-kirjade koostamisel ja saatmisel meeles pidada, koos mõnede kasutusvalmis tõhusate e-posti mallidega, mis põhinevad reaalsetel näidetel.
Maksehoiatuse meilid on tehingutega seotud meilid (tavaliselt e-kirjade seeria), mille SaaS ja tellimuspõhised ettevõtted saadavad klientidele teavitamiseks makseprobleemide, näiteks ebaõnnestunud tellimusmaksete, aegunud krediitkaartide või hilinenud maksete kohta. Tavaliselt saadetakse nende meilidega kasutajatele teavet nende kontode oleku kohta ning pakutakse võimalust toote või teenuse kasutamise jätkamiseks arveldusinfot värskendada ja makse sooritada. E-kirjade saatmine on tõhus viis klientide kadumise arvu vähendamiseks ja säilitamiseks.
Isegi kui Teie maksehoiatuse e-kirjad on täielikult automatiseeritud, aitab reaalse inimese käest kirja saamine muuta need inimlikumaks ja usaldusväärsemaks ning Teie e-kirju märgatakse paremini. Uuringud näitasid, et isiku nime kasutamine üldise e-posti aadressi või ettevõtte nime asemel võib Teie kirjade avamist suurendada kuni 35%.
Veenduge, et saadate oma maksehoiatuse e-kirjad e-posti aadressilt, millele Teie kliendid saavad probleemide või küsimuste tekkimise korral vastata. ‘Do not reply’ aadressid võivad panustada rohkema kliendi meelehärmi tekkimisele, sest Te pole neile Teie poole pöördumist lihtsaks teinud.
Selle asemel, et lihtsalt teavitada kliente nende makse ebaõnnestumisest, ja paluda neil oma krediitkaardi üksikasju värskendada, võite lisada pakilisuse tunnet. Tuletage neile meelde, mida nad täpselt kaotavad, kui nad ei võta vajalikke meetmeid (nt kaotavad juurdepääsu oma kontole ja ajaloolistele andmetele, teenuse katkestused jne).
Selge kutse tegevusele on meilide saatmise üks kriitilisemaid osi. Lisage otselink, mis viib kliendid oma arveldusinfot värskendama, ilma uut akent avamata, sisse logimata või ringi klõpsamata. Kui makse ei toimu, andke neile kindlasti teada, kui kaua on aega nende konto deaktiveerimiseks.
Oma hinnamudeli põhjal saate klientidele pakkuda oma konto tühistamiseks alternatiivi, näiteks alandada tasuta paketiks kuni nad oma arveldusinfot uuendavad, või pakuda Teie teenuse kasutamise jätkamiseks erisoodustust. See alternatiiv võib olla kasulik, kui makse ebaõnnestus ebapiisavate vahendite tõttu.
Hi [Name],
As a heads up, the payment information we have on file for your [Product/ Service] subscription (card ending in [4 digits]) is going to expire in a few days. Unfortunately, if we don’t have a valid card, we will have to cancel your subscription.
If you’ve got 30 seconds, would you mind updating your payment information?
Update Now
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email or send us a message on live chat.
Thanks so much!
Hi [Name],
We’re having trouble processing your recent payment because your credit card expired.
Would you mind updating your card information? It will only take a couple of minutes of your time. Click here to edit your info.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us any time. You can also check out our FAQ page for more information.
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Hi [Name],
There was an error when we tried to bill your credit card ending in [four digits] for your subscription to [Product/ Service]. Here’s why this may be happening:
A billing error caused by your bank
A change in your billing address
Your credit card has expired
Insufficient funds in your account
Because you are a loyal customer of [Brand], you have seven days to rectify this issue. Please update your billing information to keep your account active. It will only take 1 minute and will allow you to keep using [Product/ Service] at its full potential.
Update Billing Information
Unfortunately, if we still cannot successfully bill your credit card after seven days, your [Product/ Service] account will be suspended. You can reactivate your account at any time by updating your billing information with a valid credit card.
Let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
Hey [Name],
I got a notification that your [Product/ Service] payment failed. How unfortunate! Luckily, this happens to a lot more users than you’d think, so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Usually, it has something to do with:
Your card expiring
Having insufficient funds or maxing out your daily spending limit
Your card is stolen, lost, or was eaten by your dog
Update My Billing Info
Please check what’s up and get it fixed so we can get back to growing your business by [benefits your product/ service provides].
Hi [Name],
[Name] here from [Brand].
I’m reaching out about your account as billing for your [Product/ Service] subscription was unsuccessful. It seems that the credit card we have on file expired. But no worries, I’m here to assist!
We have two options:
1. Update your credit card information inside your [Product/ Service]] account. You can use this quick link to update your credit card information: [payment link]. Once done, let me know so I can ensure your subscription has been updated successfully.
2. Give me a call at [phone number], and we can process your payment over the phone.
Let me know what else we can help with. Super happy that you’re part of the [Brand] community.
Thanks, and I look forward to connecting!
Hey [Name],
Just a friendly heads up that your [Product/ Service] subscription has been officially paused until you update your payment details with us.
If you don’t …
Your subscription will remain paused.
You’ll lose access to your premium features like [feature 1, feature 2, etc.]
[…] won’t be able to continue.
However, you can avoid all that by taking 30 seconds to update your details: billing link.
Reply here or hop onto live chat if you have any questions or need any help.
And as always, thanks so much for using [Product/ Service]. We love what we do, and people like you make that all possible.
Hi [Name],
It looks like your subscription payment for [Product/ Service] didn’t go through. Please update your billing information, and we’ll give it another try.
Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.
Hi [Name],
We just tried to process your subscription payment again, but unfortunately, it didn’t go through. To keep your [Product/ Service] subscription active, please update your information in your billing settings here:
This is the second time that your payment failed. We’ll automatically try again in a few days. Let us know if you have any questions.
Hi [Name],
We just tried to process your [Product/ Service] subscription payment for the third time, but unfortunately, it failed once again. You can update your information in your billing settings:
We’ll automatically try again next week. If the next charge fails again, your account will be canceled automatically. 🙁
Let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
Hi [Name],
We will cancel your subscription to [Product/ Service] soon because we could not process a payment after several attempts to contact you.
If you receive this email, please update your payment information, and we’ll be happy to keep your account active.
Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
Optimize your dunning process
Automate your dunning process, reduce manual efforts, and increase the likelihood of successful debt recovery with LiveAgent's dunning templates.
Avasta LiveAgenti kohandatavad e-kaubanduse e-posti mallid, mis parandavad müüki ja klientide rahulolu. Õpi tõhusalt suhtlema e-posti, reaalajavestluse ja telefonikõnede abil. Saa teada, kuidas LiveAgenti tarkvaralahendus aitab sul paremini hallata klientidega suhtlemist. Alusta nüüd tasuta ning suurenda oma e-kaubanduse edu!
Uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mallid
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Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.