Kasutage LiveAgenti e-posti malle, et luua väärtuslikku sisu ja tugevdada kliendisuhteid. Meie mallid hõlbustavad isikupärastatud turunduskampaaniate loomist ja aitavad hoida järjepidevat suhtlust. Proovige tasuta ja alustage oma kontoga.
Oma veebisaidil või muudel platvormidel saate avaldada mitut tüüpi sisu. Saate kasutada teatud tüüpi sisu, et saada uusi jälgijaid või meelitada potentsiaalsete klientide tähelepanu, samas kui teist tüüpi sisu saab kasutada olemasolevate klientidega suhete loomiseks.
Mõned näited esimestest on suletud sisu ja uudiskirja tellimused, mis nõuavad, et kasutaja esitaks Teile artiklitele või aruannetele juurdepääsemiseks oma kontaktandmed, näiteks e-posti aadressi. Nende kontaktandmete eest peate pakkuma väärtuslikku sisu. Seejärel saate nende kontaktandmeid kasutada tulevaste turunduskampaaniate jaoks teadmisega, et nad on juba huvitatud teatud Teie pakutavatest toodetest või teenustest.
Viimaste tüüpide sisu, mis Teie olemasolevaid kliente sihivad, sisaldavad blogi postitusi, veebiseminare, juhtumiuuringuid ja väliseid artikleid ning kaubamärgi mainimisi. On oluline, et võimalikult paljud inimesed loeksid, vaataksid või kuulaksid Teie uut sisu, kuna selle peamine eesmärk on suunata Teie saidile liiklust ja parandada klientide lojaalsust.
Üks parimaid viise selleks on saata sisusõnumeid, et teavitada kliente nende olemasolust. Kui loote seda tüüpi materjale, saatke e-kirjad oma andmebaasi asjakohastele kasutajatele, sealhulgas neile, kes hiljuti Teie uudiskirja e-posti värskenduste saamiseks registreerusid.
Selle protsessi kiiremaks ja lihtsamaks muutmiseks on hea kasutada sisu e-posti malle. Toome mõned näited e-posti mallidest, mida saate kasutada iga eri tüüpi sisu jaoks, kuid kõigepealt alustame põhitõdedega.
E -posti mall on raamistik, mida saate kasutada oma e-kirja kirjutamiseks, muutes lihtsalt pakutud sisu enda omaga. Need võimaldavad Teil kiiresti ja hõlpsalt luua sisu turunduskampaaniaid, asendades lihtsalt osa tekstist ja muudest sõnumielementidest, et need vastaksid Teie kaubamärgile.
Sisu meilimallid säästavad Teie aega ja vaeva, kuna Teil on vaja e-kirja nullist kirjutamise asemel muuta ainult asjakohaseid osi. See annab Teile rohkem aega loovuseks ja uue sisu kirjutamiseks. Lisaks on väiksem vajadus kontrollida vormindamist või vigu, kuna mall aitab hoida kõike järjepidevana ja vähendab vigu.
Sisu meilide isikupärastamine võib aidata parandada peamisi näitajaid, nagu klikkimise määr, mis on määratletud kui adressaatide protsent, kes liiguvad e-kirjas olevalt lingilt välisele saidile. Seda mõõdikut saate suurendada kuni 27%, saates lihtsalt adressaadile nimelise e-kirja (allikas).
See on lihtsaim isikupärastamise vorm. Sisu meilide kohandamine konkreetsetele klientidele võib aidata luua püsivat kliendikogemust. See võib omakorda suurendada Teie kaubamärgi usaldust ja lojaalsust. Lisaks nõustub 74% turundajatest, et isikupärastamine aitab kaasamist suurendada (allikas).
Isikupärastamine on laialt peetud turunduse tulevikuks. Saate oma strateegia mõju suurendada, saates kohandatud sisu ja e-kirju oma kasutajate andmebaasi teatud segmentidele. Kui pakute inimestele materjali, mis on nende jaoks kõige huvitavam ja asjakohasem, aitab see veelgi parandada Teie pakutavat kliendikogemust.
Mallide kasutamise üks eelis on see, et need aitavad Teil säilitada ühtse kujunduse välimuse. Publik võib eeldada, et mõned e-kirjade tavalised aspektid, nagu värvid, fondid ja paigutus, jäävad alati samaks. See aitab adressaatidel brändiga siduda Teie suhtlemise järjekindla stiili, nii et Teie e-kirjad paistavad silma ka üleujutatud postkastides.
Sisuga seotud meilide postitamise ajakava peaks samuti olema järjepidev, välja arvatud kohustuslikud meilid, mis saadetakse kohe, kui mõnda olulist uudist on vaja jagada. See aitab Teie adressaatidele luua familiaarsust, et nad teaksid, millal Teie sõnumeid oodata.
Ankurdatud tekst, mis suunab lugejad Teie veebisaidile välistest allikatest (tagasilink), võib samuti aidata suurendada veebiliiklust ja suurendada bränditeadlikkust. Lingid aitavad kaasa ka otsingumootori optimeerimisele (SEO), mille tulemusel kuvatakse Teie veebisait otsingumootori tulemuste lehtedel kõrgemal positsioonil.
Sisu, mida ei avaldata Teie lehel, näiteks sotsiaalmeedias, eraldi dokumendis või välises blogis või veebisaidil, peaks võimaluse korral alati sisaldama tagasilinke. Sisu meilid, mille saadate oma tellijatele uutest materjalidest teavitamiseks, peaksid vajaduse korral sisaldama ka linke Teie veebisaidile.
Kui Teie kaubamärki mainib sõltumatu organisatsioon, kuid Teie veebisaidile pole tagasilinki, peaksite saatma e-kirja autorile või omanikule, palvega lisada asjakohane ankur. Te võite isegi teksti soovitada, et protsess nende jaoks lihtsamaks teha.
Lõpuks, kui leiate mõne lugupeetud autoriteedi veebilehelt katkise lingi, millelt soovite tagasilinki, võite neile meili saata, soovitades asjakohast asendusankurit, mis suunab Teie saidile.
Piiratud sisu e-kirja mall 1 – tellimuse kinnitamine
Thanks for requesting the [company name] [eBook/white paper] about [topic]. As promised, this email contains the materials that you signed up to receive.
We sincerely hope that you find this content useful and that you head to our site here [link] to find other [blog posts/articles/templates] on the same subject.
Please find the attached documents at the bottom of this message.
Kind regards,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Piiratud sisu e-kirja mall 2 – link videole
By registering with your details, you now have access to the [webinar/ video/documentary] that you asked to watch.
The video can be accessed on the following [link] and [will go live at [time] on [date] is available now].
Check out our website for more videos related to the subject of [topic], which you may also find interesting.
[More videos]
Thanks for watching!
Piiratud sisu e-kirja mall 3 – e-kirja seeriad
Thank you for signing up to receive this series of our [daily/weekly/monthly] emails covering the subject of [topic].
We’ll be sending you regular content containing great insights and actionable tips that will help you solve [pain point].
You can expect to find the following covered in our upcoming emails:
Subtopic 1
Subtopic 2
Subtopic 3…
We’re sure that you’ll find this series of emails handy, but if you want to learn more without waiting for new content to land in your inbox then please head over to our website or reply to this message.
The [company] team
Uue blogi postituse e-posti mall 1 – empaatiline valupunkti suhtes
Are you having difficulty with [pain point 1]? Does just thinking about [pain point 2] give you a headache?
It’s annoying, right? You’ve been working hard on [task] for hours, struggled to make progress, and now you’re stuck.
Believe us, you’re not alone. These are very common problems that many of our readers have been facing.
But don’t worry, because we’re here to help. We’ve just published a new guide to help people just like you, which you can find on our website by clicking the button below.
[Read our new blog post]
Kind regards,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Uue blogi postituse e-posti mall 2 – uudishimu äratamine
Do you know what the single, most effective tip for completing [task] is? Well, you’re just one click away from finding out!
In our latest blog post, we are sharing our favorite tricks for helping people achieve [objective].
Just click below to head straight to our website:
[Go to the blog]
Thanks for reading!
Uue blogi postituse e-posti mall 3 – kuidas kindel eesmärk saavutada
We know as well as anyone that trying to achieve your [objective] goals can be tough, which is why we’ve written a new blog post with [X] tips on how to do just that.
Here’s a sneak peek of the advice that you’ll find in our latest publication:
Tip for achieving objective 1
Tip for achieving objective 2
Tip for achieving objective 3
To read the rest of our tips, please click here [link] to read the full blog post on our website.
[Name], content writer for [company]
Veebiseminari eelvaate e-posti mall 1 – kutse eelvaatega
We wanted to let you know about our upcoming webinar, [title], which will be taking place at [time and timezone] on the [date].
There are [X] great speakers lined up who’ll be covering a range of subjects in the [topic] area, including:
Speaker and presentation 1
Speaker and presentation 2
Speaker and presentation 3
You can find more information about them and the event here [link] and register by clicking below:
[Sign up]
[Name] from [company]
Veebiseminari eelvaate e-posti mall 2 – registreerimise kinnitus koos ülevaadetega
Thank you for registering for our upcoming webinar, [title].
You’re all signed up, and you’ll be able to watch the live stream on the day of the event by following the link below:
[View the webinar]
Here are just a few of the things you’ll be able to learn by watching the live broadcast:
Insight 1
Insight 2
Insight 3
View the website [link] for more info or reply to this email if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Veebiseminari eelvaate e-posti mall 3 – meeldetuletus videotreileriga
We’re just writing to let you know that the [title] webinar that you registered for is taking place [today/tomorrow/this week] at [time and timezone].
Below you can watch a sneak preview of the event to get a taste of what you can expect.
[Video trailer]
Click on the button below to learn more about the webinar.
[Find out more]
See you soon!
[Name], [position] at [company]
Uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mall 1 – tervitus inimeselt
Thanks for subscribing to the [company] newsletter.
I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for choosing to receive [title]. It means a lot to have readers like you on board.
Below are a few extra pieces of advice related to [today’s/this week’s/this month’s] update on [topic] that I think you will find worthwhile:
Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mall 2 – sisu tellimuse vastu
As a token of appreciation for signing up to receive the [title] newsletter, please find the [ebook/whitepaper/other gated content] that you requested attached to this email.
We are confident that you’ll find both the regular newsletter and the additional content useful for solving [pain point] in the field of [topic].
If you want to find out more before the next update, feel free to get in touch.
The [company] team
[Download attachment(s)]
Uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mall 3 – täiendava sisu reklaamimine
Firstly, I would like to say thank you on behalf of everyone at [company] for subscribing to our newsletter.
We’re sure that you won’t regret it, and that you’ll find the regular updates on [topic] landing in your inbox every [day/week/month] to be very useful.
Secondly, I thought you might be interested to know about some additional content related to the subject that can be found on our website here [link].
From the feedback of our existing subscribers, we have found that the material below, in particular, has been helpful to them:
Additional content 1
Additional content 2
Additional content 3
Please let us know if you’d like to learn about anything else, or just keep an eye out for the next issue of our newsletter.
Best wishes,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Juhtumiuuringu meilimall 1 – toote või teenuse kasutamise tulemused
As someone interested in [topic], we thought you might find [product/service] useful for solving [pain point].
To show you how successful this has proven for our existing clients, we’ve put together a case study about our cooperation with [name of existing client].
In the report, which you can find attached to this email, we show:
When and where you should use [product/service]
How you should use [product/service]
What results you can expect to achieve by using [product/service]
Hopefully, you find this case study interesting, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions.
Kind regards,
[Name], [position] at [company]
[Case study PDF attachment]
Juhtumiuuringu meilimall 2 – proovige toodet või teenust uuesti
You recently tried out [product/service], the solution for [pain point] brought to you by [company].
Many users are actually so overwhelmed by the potential of [product/service] that they have difficulty imagining how it would fit into their workflow.
That’s why we teamed up with our customer [name of existing client] to show you how they implemented [product/service] in their business to boost [metric] by [X]%.
We hope that this report, which you can read by clicking below, will help you overcome any doubts you might have and give us another go.
[Read the case study]
If you have any queries I’m happy to help.
Juhtumiuuringu meilimall 3 – osavõtu taotlemine
I’m sure you’re as happy as we are about the success of our recent cooperation on [project] together.
According to our analysis, our [product/service] helped you to:
Achievement 1
Achievement 2
Achievement 3
That’s why, with your consent, we’d like to share a case study of our work together on the “[case studies/success stories/our previous work”] page of our website [link].
Please let me know if you agree, or if you need any further information.
Best wishes,
[Name] from [company]
Väliselt avaldatud artiklite e-posti mall 1 – teemale keskendumine
My latest article has just been published over on [external publisher’s name]’s website [link].
[Title] is an in-depth look into [topic], covering the following points:
Subtopic 1
Subtopic 2
Subtopic 3
Given the focus, we thought it would be great to share our thoughts with a new audience who have an interest more in line with our hosting partner.
However, we still wanted to let our current subscribers know where they can read this piece. Don’t forget that you can find more similar content on our website by clicking the button below.
[Read more articles]
Best wishes,
[Name], from [company]
Väliselt avaldatud artiklite e-posti mall 2 – kirjastajale tähelepanu pööramine
We’ve recently written a new article called [title] that, as someone who has expressed an interest in [product/service/topic], we are sure you’ll find interesting.
You can find our article here [link] on [external publisher’s name]’s website.
It is a privilege for us to have our content shared there, and we hope that our subscribers like yourself will take the opportunity to read more of their other content too.
Hope you enjoy reading!
Väliselt avaldatud artiklite e-posti mall 3 – idee püstitamine
We’ve come up with a great idea for an article that we think would be a perfect fit for [potential publisher’s name] and your other content on [topic].
The working title is [title], and the article will cover:
Subheading 1
Subheading 2
Subheading 3…
Please let us know if this sounds like something that you’d be interested in publishing. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
[Name], content writer for [company]
Uue kaubamärgi mainimise e-posti mall 1 – klientide teavitamine viitavast sisust
There is a great [article/blog post/other content] over on [external publisher’s name]’s website [link] that we think you might find very interesting.
The piece, which mentions our brand, is called [title] and it talks about the following topics:
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
As you can see for yourself they have some nice things to say about us, which is always a privilege when it comes from such a well-respected source.
We hope that you enjoy reading, and remember that you can find our own content on the subject of [topic] here [link].
[Name] from [company]
Uue kaubamärgi mainimise e-posti mall 2 – tagasilingi lisamise palve
We really appreciate you mentioning our brand and what you had to say about us in the recent [article/blog post/other content] called [title].
However, we have noticed that there is no link to our website where we are mentioned, and we think that it would be helpful for your readers if they could be directed there.
Do you think that it would be possible for you to include the following in an update to your post?
“[Suggested anchor text & backlink]”
Thank you in advance, and please let us know if you would like any further content to be included with the mention as well.
Kind regards
The [company] team
Uue kaubamärgi mainimise e-posti mall 3 – tagasilingi või ankru parandamise/uuendamise taotlemine
I’m reaching out to you in regards to the mention [backlink] of our brand in your [article/blog post/other content] named [title], which can be found here [link].
We think that it could be beneficial for both your readers and our users if the [anchor text/backlink] was changed from [current anchor text/backlink] to [suggested new anchor text/ backlink].
Your time is appreciated and I look forward to hearing back from you about this request.
Best wishes,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Kohustusliku e-kirja mall 1 – teadaanne sõnumi kehas
As one of our valued subscribers, we thought that you would like to be informed about the most recent developments at [company].
We consider the following important [new/updates/changes] to be essential information for all of our existing clients:
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
Announcement 3
Thanks for reading, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding this announcement or any other issues.
King regards,
The [company] team
Kohustusliku e-kirja mall 2 – manustatud avaldus
Have you heard the important news about [issue]?
We have an announcement to make, and our full statement on this issue can be found in a document that is attached to this email.
Your understanding at this time is much appreciated, and your business is valued as always.
I’d be happy to provide more information if required, just let me know by replying to this email.
Best wishes,
[Name], [position] at [company]
Kohustusliku e-kirja mall 3 – link välisele allikale
We have some important [news/updates/changes] that we thought you would like to be informed about.
The complete announcement can be found on our [website/blog/another source] here [link].
Here are some of the key pieces of information that you can find in full by following the above link:
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have regarding this matter, or anything else.
[Name] from [company]
Start personalizing email templates from LiveAgent today
Sign up for our free, 14-day, all-inclusive trial and explore all the advanced help desk features that we have to offer, including customizable email templates.
Teie e-kiri peaks koosnema paarist lühikesest lõigust, ulatudes 75–150 sõnani, ning seda peaks olema lihtne üle vaadata ja lühidalt mõista.
Sisu e-kirjad on sisuturunduse kampaaniate jaoks parimad. Need võivad aidata Teil uusi kliente meelitada või suurendada müüki ja konversioone.
Sisu e-kirjale peaksite lisama isikupärastatud tervituse, mis paneb Teie klienti hinnatuna tundma. Lisaks peaksite järgima oma toote või teenuse meeldetuletust ja tugevat CTA-d.
Avasta LiveAgenti kohandatavad e-kaubanduse e-posti mallid, mis parandavad müüki ja klientide rahulolu. Õpi tõhusalt suhtlema e-posti, reaalajavestluse ja telefonikõnede abil. Saa teada, kuidas LiveAgenti tarkvaralahendus aitab sul paremini hallata klientidega suhtlemist. Alusta nüüd tasuta ning suurenda oma e-kaubanduse edu!
Uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mallid
Tutvu tasuta uudiskirja tellimise e-posti mallidega LiveAgentis! Paranda kliendisuhtlust ja suurenda lojaalsust. Alusta kohe!
Kohustuslik lugeda e-posti mallid
Kohustuslik lugeda e-posti mallid oluliste sõnumite edastamiseks. Kasutage LiveAgenti kohandatavaid lahendusi ja tõstke oma suhtlustaset!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.