Tagasiside e-kirja mallid LiveAgentis aitavad koguda klientide ja töötajate arvamusi, et parandada rahulolu ja ettevõtte toimivust. Kasutage 9 unikaalset malli, et luua tõhusad tagasisideküsitlused.
Tagasiside on väärtuslik teave, mida saate kasutada oluliste äriotsuste tegemiseks. Olenemata sellest, kas see pärineb Teie klientidelt, töötajatelt või potentsiaalsetelt klientidelt, võib tagasiside aidata mõõta rahulolu, suundumusi või käitumist. Samuti võib tagasiside aidata ettevõtetel õigel teel püsida ja anda ülevaate sellest, kuidas teised nende toimivust tajuvad.
Ettevõtted, kes soovivad eristuda oma konkurentidest, ei tohiks pidada väljendit “konkurentsist silma paista” lihtsalt tabavaks fraasiks, vaid realistlikuks lähenemiseks.
Kui loote kliendiportaali ja soovite pakkuda oma kasutajatele parimat võimalikku kasutuskogemust, peate koguma nende arvamusi ja nende järgi tegutsema. Parim viis selle ülevaate saamiseks on saata klientidele meil ja küsida neilt tagasisidet.
Tagasiside e-kiri on meil, mis saadetakse kindlale adressaatide rühmale ja küsib nende arvamust toote või teenuse kohta. Sel juhul kasutaksite meili, et küsida kasutajatelt, mida nad arvavad kasutatavast kliendiportaalist.
Saate seda teha erineval moel:
Need on vaid mõned näited selle kohta, kuidas muuta klientide jaoks kasutatava kliendiportaali hindamine lihtsamaks.
Samuti on soovitatav neile pakkuda täiendavat soodustust allahindluse või vautšeri näol, et nad oleksid rohkem motiveeritud aega investeerima ja Teile tagasisidet andma.
We hope you enjoy [customer portal] and that you find it’s insightful and easy to use.
We’re constantly striving to provide excellent service for those who are active on [customer portal]. We’d love to get your feedback through a brief customer survey.
Thank you for your time. We really appreciate it!
Thank you for giving [customer portal] a try!
We strive to provide the highest quality service and care deeply about how our work affects customers like you.
We would love it if you could send us an email and tell us what we can do to make [customer portal] better.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day. We really appreciate it!
Best, the [customer portal] team
Thanks for registering and actively using [customer portal].
I wanted to reach out personally and ask for your opinion.
What’s your experience like? (e.g., amazing, terrible, etc.)
We want to be better, and your feedback helps us accomplish that. If you’re willing, it only takes a minute or two.
Share your review here [link]
Thanks for your trust,
[Customer portal team member’s name]
[X] days ago, you created an account at [customer portal], and you’ve been an active user ever since.
We’d love to get your feedback on the platform! Click one of the stars below to start a review of the portal:
Kind regards,
The [customer portal] team
Please tell us about your experience in this 30-second survey. Your feedback helps us create a better experience for yourself and other [customer portal] users.
– The [customer portal] team
As one of our preferred customers, your feedback is very important to us. We are constantly striving to provide a flawless experience for our customers, and your input helps us do so.
That being said, if you could take a minute to share your feedback, we would really appreciate it.
We hope to see you soon at [customer portal]
Best regards, [customer portal team member’s name]
Your feedback is very important to us and will help us make the portal better, so we hope you will take the time to fill it out.
We appreciate your time and feedback!
The [customer portal] team
A thank you gift awaits you afterward!
Start here
We hope you’re having a nice day.
You’ve been chosen as one of the few people who are able to review their experience as a [customer portal] user.
If you have a moment to spare, would you be willing to answer a few questions? We’d truly appreciate your feedback.
Our short survey takes about [x] minutes:
Share your feedback
Thanks for your help!
The [customer portal] team at [company]
Ready to put your feedback request templates to use?
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated ticketing software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try it today with our free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
Avastage, kuidas LiveAgent'i tagasiside ja soovituste funktsioon aitab teil parandada klienditeenindust, julgustades kliente andma tagasisidet ja hääletama oluliste funktsioonide poolt. Lisage oma veebilehele kohandatav tagasiside nupp ja suhelge klientidega kiiresti. Proovige tasuta ja viige oma teenindus uuele tasemele!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team