Tooteuuenduste meilimallid on olulised konkurentsis püsimiseks ja kliendibaasi hoidmiseks. Kasutage neid 10 malli, et uuendada oma toodet ja teavitada kliente. Saate ka parimaid tavasid ja teemasoovitusi tõhusate e-kirjade loomiseks.
Konkurentsis püsimiseks ja rahuloleva kliendibaasi säilitamiseks on toote järjepidev täiustamine hädavajalik, eriti SaaS-i valdkonnas. Tooteuuenduse meil on üks parimaid võimalusi näidata, et kuulate oma klientide tagasisidet, töötate järjepidevalt nende ootuste täitmise nimel ja tuletate neile meelde oma toote väärtust. Tooteuuenduse e-kiri võib ka uuesti kaasata loobumas olevaid kasutajaid. Kahjuks suhtuvad paljud ettevõtted tooteuuenduste teavitustesse kui järelmõttele.
Teie tooteuuenduse meilid võivad aga teha palju enamat kui lihtsalt teavitada kasutajaid hiljutistest uuendustest. Õige strateegiaga saate kasutada tootevärskenduste e-kirju, et kinnitada uutele klientidele, et nad on teinud õige valiku, parandada klientide rahulolu, säilitamist ja isegi isegi tulusid, kuna saate uuendustest teatades reklaamida ka oma esmaklassilisi funktsioone.
Tõhusate tooteuuenduse e-kirjade koostamine võib olla keeruline ülesanne. Allpool on mõned näpunäited, mis aitavad Teil luua paremaid tooteuuenduse meile, mis parandavad kindlasti kasutajate seotust, ning 10 tooteuuenduse meilimalli, mida saate kasutada näidetena oma versiooni loomisel.
Olenevalt Teie brändist, tootest ja Teie suhetest kasutajatega võib Teie tootevärskenduse meilide sisu, kujunduse ja tooni poolest erineda. Kuigi täiusliku tooteuuenduse meili jaoks pole universaalset valemit, on siin 10 meilimalli, mis aitavad Teil alustada.
We’re excited to announce the launch of one of our most requested features – [feature name]! It’s now easy to [do whatever the feature allows users to do]. Here’s a quick overview of how you can use it:
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
To learn more about this feature, check out this support article.
As always, let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your experience better. Your feedback is always appreciated.
Thanks for using [Product name]!
We just released a fully revamped version of our [Name] feature. If you’re interested in what’s new, check out our latest blog post that covers it all.
Here’s a quick overview:
[Improvement #1]
[Improvement #2]
[Improvement #3]
If you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!
We’ve added a bunch of cool new features and made some major improvements. Here are our top 5 recent updates that we’re especially excited about:
[Update #1: From now on you can …]
[Update #2: It became even easier to …]
[Update #3: You’ll finally be able to …]
You can read more about the updates in our most recent blog post. And as always, if you have any questions or feedback – don’t hesitate to contact us!
We’re back to share a couple of major bug fixes that will make your experience with [Product] better than ever. Here’s a shortlist of what we’ve done:
[Fixed: bug 1]
[Fixed: bug 2]
[Fixed: bug 3]
Want to see *your* favorite bug featured in this list? We would too. Send your suggestions to [email] and we’ll see what we can do.
If you – like us – use [Tool] for your […], then we’ve got some news you’re going to love.
We’ve just launched a new integration with [Tool]. Here are just a few of the things the new integration allows you to do:
[Benefit 1]
[Benefit 2]
[Benefit 3]
For more details, including how the integration works, why it’s a huge win for [Brand] users, and how to set it up (it’s really easy), click here.
We’ve been hard at work these past few weeks/ months [adding/ improving features] to help make [Product] even more valuable for you. We’re super excited to tell you all about these new features/ improvements and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
[Update #1]
[Update #2]
[Update #3]
[Update #4]
[Update #5]
In the meantime, we’d love to hear any feedback you have on [Product] and what we can do to make it even better.
We’re excited to announce [Product name] 2.0. It has more functionality than ever before to ensure it helps businesses like yours to [accomplish specific goals].
[Product name] 2.0 provides:
[Feature #1: benefit]
[Feature #2: benefit]
[Feature #3: benefit]
[Feature #4: benefit]
[Feature #5: benefit]
You can read all about it on our completely revamped website at And don’t forget to check our new video!
[embedded video]
If you have any questions or feedback – we’d love to hear your thoughts!
[Feature name] is a new beta feature for [Product] Pro plan, and allows you to [details on what the feature allows users to do].
We’re excited to give you a limited-time offer to take [Feature name] for a test run: from now until [date] you can [use the feature for …].
Ready to get started? You can read more about [Feature name] here.
If you have any questions or feedback, simply respond to this email.
One last thing: [Feature name] is still a private beta feature, so please keep it a secret until it’s ready for its debut ☺
We are proud to announce the launch of the [Product name] Android app! Our small team at [Company name] worked extremely hard to get this app out as soon as possible following the release of our iOS app. Thank you to all our Android users for your patience!
[Product name] app gives you [a short description of what the app allows users to do].
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
P.S. A note for Android users: While we rigorously tested the app internally and with our Beta users, there can still be a few undiscovered bugs. If you come across anything, please email us at [email address]!
Created with love,
[Company Team]
It’s never been more important to […].
The good news is we’ve built a new [app/ service] that makes it easy to […]. We call it [Product Name].
As a [Company] customer, we thought you might want to be one of the first to try [Product Name] while it’s still in Beta mode.
[Product Name] will be a free service while in Beta. You can read more about it here [link].
What will [Product Name] do for me?
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
Any questions or feedback? As always, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email].
Ready to use our product update email templates?
Save them directly into LiveAgent to save yourself over 15 hours of manual clicking per week!
Avasta LiveAgenti kohandatavad e-kaubanduse e-posti mallid, mis parandavad müüki ja klientide rahulolu. Õpi tõhusalt suhtlema e-posti, reaalajavestluse ja telefonikõnede abil. Saa teada, kuidas LiveAgenti tarkvaralahendus aitab sul paremini hallata klientidega suhtlemist. Alusta nüüd tasuta ning suurenda oma e-kaubanduse edu!
Avasta müügimeili mallide võimsus! Meie artikkel tutvustab erinevaid e-posti malle, mis aitavad tõhusalt kliente meelitada ja hoida. Hoolimata sotsiaalmeedia tõusust jääb e-post juhtivaks müügikanaliks, pakkudes kõrgeimat investeeringutasuvust. Külasta lehte, et leida 10 kohandatavat müügimeili malli erinevateks turundusolukordadeks ja suurenda oma müügiedu täna!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.
Answer more tickets with our all-in-one help desk software. Try LiveAgent for 30 days with no credit card required.
Hello, I’m Andrej. We’re thrilled to invite you to an exclusive software demo where we’ll showcase our product and how it can transform your customer care. Learn how to achieve your business goals with LiveAgent or feel free to explore the best help desk software by yourself with no fee or credit card requirement.
Andrej Saxon | LiveAgent support team