Turunduse e-kirja mallid on tõhusad ja kuluefektiivsed viisid müügi suurendamiseks ja klientide hoidmiseks. Vaadake 10 kohandatavat meilimalli oma turunduskampaaniate jaoks LiveAgentis.
Vastavalt Statista andmetele ulatus globaalsete meilikasutajate arv 2019. aastal 3,9 miljardini ja 2024. aastal peaks see kasvama 4,48 miljardini. Seetõttu kulutavad ettevõtted üha rohkem e-posti turundusele ja kasutavad seda potentsiaalsete klientide meelitamiseks, olemasolevate klientide hoidmiseks, müügi suurendamiseks ja ROI kasvatamiseks. Tõhusad meiliturunduse kampaaniad suudavad seda kõike teha. Kuna see on üks kuluefektiivsemaid ja konversioonirikkamaid digitaalturunduse vorme, peaksid globaalsed e-turunduse kulutused lähiaastatel veelgi suurenema. Vaadake rohkem põhjuseid, miks peaksite e-posti turundusele tähelepanu pöörama ja saage inspiratsiooni meie 10-st turundusmeili loomise mallist.
Ükskõik, kas soovite hankida rohkem kliente või tugevdada oma suhteid olemasolevatega, võib meiliturundus aidata teil jõuda otse oma vaatajaskonnani ja edendada äri. Vaadake järgnevat statistikat, mis tõestab, et meiliturundus on väärtuslik tööriist igas suuruses ja igas sektoris ettevõtetele:
McKinsey Global Institute aruanne näitas, et keskmine suhtlemistöötaja kulutab hinnanguliselt 28% töönädalast e-posti haldamisele, mis moodustab peaaegu kolmandiku nende tööajast. Üks viis selle aja vähendamiseks on valmis meilimallide kasutamine. Siin on 10 peamist meilimalli (mis põhinevad meilide tüüpidel, mida turundajad tõenäoliselt korduvalt saadavad), mida saate kasutada lähtepunktina ja kohandada oma turunduskampaaniate ja väljaminevate turunduskommunikatsioonide jaoks.
We’re excited to welcome you to the [Brand] family!
Every single one of us is here to make sure you’re happy with [Product]. Firstly, let’s make sure your account is set up properly.
Watching our Onboarding Tutorial will help you familiarize yourself with [product]. It covers how to complete your set up process, key features of your account, plus some handy tips and tricks.
Onboarding Tutorial Video
If you need any help at all, drop us a line anytime at (email) or Tweet us @brandname We’ll be more than happy to lend a hand!
Until next time,
Thank you for subscribing to [Brand’s] Weekly Newsletter!
By signing up for our newsletter, each week you’ll be the first to hear about our [updates/ news/ hot deals/ events/ webinars] and receive exclusive content straight to your inbox.
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We noticed that you left a few items in your shopping cart. We’re low on stock, so they could sell out quickly! But don’t worry, it’s not too late yet. Here’s what you wanted to get:
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Click this link to get back to where you left off and complete your purchase: customer’s cart
Thanks for shopping with [Brand]! If you have any questions or issues during the checkout process, we’re always here to help.
We’re sorry to see you go! 🙁 Your current subscription will remain active until [Date]. We’ll automatically downgrade you to a free account after that date, but you’ll always be able to access your account.
If you’d like to reactivate your account, simply click the button below:
Reactivate My Account
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at any time.
We’ll miss you!
Join us for a live webinar on [Date/ Time] to find out the most effective ways to [details on what the webinar is about]. Together with our Head of Marketing, [Name], we’re going to squeeze in as much practical info as we can under 60 minutes. You won’t want to miss this! Here’s what we’ll cover:
How you can […]
Best practices on […]
Simple strategies to improve […]
[Save Your Seat]
If you register today, we’ll send you the recording of the webinar as an added bonus for free.
See you there!
This summer has started quite productively for [Company] as we’ve been working hard on a few long-awaited updates to [Product] that make it stronger, faster, and more useful to you. The updates are now live and you can read more about them on our blog: blog post link
Here are our top 3 features from the past 3 months:
Feature 1 (From now on you can …)
Feature 2 (We’ve added …)
Feature 3 (The tool now supports …)
We’d love to hear your thoughts on our latest updates – which one of them have you tried already? And as always, let us know if there’s anything we can do to make your experience with [Company] better.
Best Regards,
I run co-marketing partnerships at [your company], a [what your company does] that’s recognized for [what your company is recognized for]. We have an audience of [audience persona and audience size] that has shown interest in [what their company does].
My team focuses on partnerships with companies like yours – we’ve also worked with [examples of other companies you’ve worked with]. I believe there’s an opportunity for us to partner on [asset you’d like to partner on] to [end goal you’d like to achieve].
Would you be interested in talking about partnership opportunities between [their company] and [your company]? If you’re not the best person to continue a conversation with, would you mind introducing me to someone I could speak with?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
I’ve been a subscriber and a big fan of [Blog Name] for some time now – and I’ve especially enjoyed reading one of your recent posts about [details of a blog post]. I noticed there was no article covering [the aspect they haven’t covered]. So, I thought I’d write a draft and see if you would be interested in publishing it on your blog.
Please find the draft attached. Does this sound like something that would be suitable for your readers? If you’re interested in publishing it, I would be excited to see it go up! If you’d like me to make any revisions, I can do that too.
Looking forward to your feedback,
Thank you for sending over the article on [article topic]. However, I will have to pass on this piece because it doesn’t completely meet our guidelines for guest posts. Besides, we already have a couple of articles about this topic, you can check them out here: links to previous posts.
However, I’m open to another pitch from you in the future. If you have any questions about our guest post guidelines, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon,
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Kas vajate oma turundusmaine parandamist?
Avasta, kuidas LiveAgent parandab sinu turundus- ja müügitegevusi tõhusate klienditoe lahendustega. Paranda oma ettevõtte mainet, hallates kõiki kliendipäringuid ühes kohas. Alusta tasuta prooviperioodiga ja tõsta oma klienditeenindus uuele tasemele!
Meeldetuletuskirjade mallid ja näpunäited igapäevaseks kasutuseks
Avasta, kuidas koostada täiuslik meeldetuletuskiri 2024. aastaks! Meie veebileht pakub 18 kasutusvalmis malli, väärtuslikke näpunäiteid ja parimaid praktikaid, mis tagavad kõrge konversiooni ja klikkimise määra. Alusta kohe ja täiusta oma ärisuhtlust!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.