Professionaalsed vastused vihastele klientidele, et säilitada lojaalsus. Pakutakse meilimallid sagedamate probleemide lahendamiseks, rõhutades kiiret vastamist, vabandamist ning vajadusel soodustuste pakkumist. Õige suhtlemine aitab vältida negatiivset kajastust.
Iga ettevõte peab aeg-ajalt tegelema vihaste ja kaeblike klientidega. Olenemata kliendi rahulolematuse põhjusest võib õige ja õigeaegne reageerimine mängida rolli, kas pettunud klient jääb lojaalseks või et tee enam Teiega kunagi mingit tegemist. Arvestades, et 95% õnnetutest klientidest kipuvad jagama halbu kogemusi teistega – kas isiklikult või sotsiaalmeedia/arvustussaitide kaudu, on teadmine, kuidas vihaste klientidega toime tulla ja kuidas reageerida professionaalselt “must-have” kõigile, kes töötavad klientidega seotud ametikohtadel.
Kui vastate vihase kliendi meilile, on olemas paar põhipunkti, mida tuleb meeles pidada ja kirjale lisada:
Klientide pettumuste ja kaebuste sujuvaks ja pingutusteta käsitlemiseks võite kasutada järgmisi meilivastuse malle kõige levinumate probleemide lahendamiseks. Isikupärastage siiski iga sõnum, võttes arvesse iga kliendi ainulaadset olukorda.
[Music]. dealing with an upset customer may be. the most difficult aspect of customer. service. hi this is jason how can i help you this. afternoon. you tell me i'm looking at my new. statement and i see that you people have. charged me again for the same fees i've. been calling about for months now i'm. sick and tired of being told that it's. handled when pretty clearly it's not. that's not easy to even listen to. so how do you respond to it in a way. that will help. first remember that the customer isn't. upset with you they're upset with the. situation don't take it personally. then remind yourself that angry. customers often struggle to be objective. so before trying to resolve the problem. it's important to diffuse the customer's. frustration. so how do you do that. start by allowing the customer to vent. it isn't easy and it's really pretty but. try not to interrupt or contradict the. customer even if you believe they're. wrong. confrontation will lead to escalation. and the goal is to calm the customer. down so you can look for a solution. i'm so sorry to hear that let me take a. look at your account and find out what's. going on. can you remind me when this started. fine the first fee showed up three. months ago if you can't fix this i'm. going to close the account. i completely understand your frustration. let me see what i can do to help get. this taken care of for you right now. listening and responding with empathy. helps diffuse the customer's frustration. this is one of the quickest ways to. de-escalate tension. listening with an open mind and. expressing your understanding lets your. customer know that you acknowledge their. problem. respond with your positive intent to. take action to resolve the problem as. best you can. keep your focus on the customer and. follow through on your desire to help. them. i'm glad i was able to get that issue. taken care of it may take up to 24 hours. for your account to show the changes but. you shouldn't see any more of these fees. in the future. thanks for working with me to figure it. out i want to apologize again for the. inconvenience. thanks jason i appreciate your help. by removing the focus from yourself and. staying focused on understanding and. resolving the customer's problem it's. easier to stay detached and not get. wrapped up in an emotional outburst. maintaining an attitude of caring and. concern helps to defuse customer. frustration. allow them to vent as needed listen and. respond with empathy. you'll never be able to work in customer. service without running into angry. frustrated customers once in a while but. there are ways you can ease the tension. and allow you both to work toward an. acceptable solution.
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Meie veebileht kasutab küpsiseid. Jätkates eeldame Teie luba küpsiste paigaldamiseks, nagu on üksikasjalikult kirjeldatud meie privaatsuse ja küpsiste poliitika.